
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Missing Episode

So another week, and we fall out of sync again.
I apologize for lack of an episode, but a multiple complication on all ends has lead to us unable to record. And we apologize.

Other news: Dan will not be joining us next week. So James and Garrett will be doing their best to wrap up 3 weeks of books. I think It's a record.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 0

Something a little different this week.
We're doing a 0 Episode, talking about us, and our comics. What we enjoy, what we love, and even bits of what we hate.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 11

First things first. Sorry this took so long. As you'll notice in this weeks episode that we didn't really care for last weeks comics. Not that they were bad, but most are set ups to new stories, so they felt more like a catch up to speed of characters for new readers.

That's not bad, mind you, just leaves nothing for us to talk about.

Also we talk about the cancellations and new books DC will be bringing out.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What We're Reading 06/06/2012

A list of what We have grabbed for this week:

Action Comics #10
Earth 2 #2
Batwing #10
Swamp Thing #10
World's Finest #2
Dial H #2
Justice League International #10
Animal Man #10
Avengers Vs X-Men #5


Action Comics #10
Earth 2 #2
Batwing #10

World's Finest #2
Dial H #2
Justice League International #10
Avengers Vs X-Men #5
Detective Comics #10
Avengers Academy #31

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 10: Giant-Sized Special

Welcome one and all to our Giant-Sized Special. Over and Hour and Half of talking about Owls.

Garrett Runs down Batman 1-7.
Then we discuss what little we've gleamed of the talons that appear in these books

We follow the events of the Night that have unfolded thus far. Every bat book from the Month of May (Excluding Batwoman). And Two from the month of April (Batman and Nightwing 8)

We top it off with our usual ramble about Batman Annual #1.