
Thursday, September 27, 2012

I am the Law

I am not the most imaginative person. For those who wonder why I went with the most obvious joke for the title, and one you may no doubt have seen a dozen and a half times over by now. So let's continue.

Dredd 3D: Non Spoiler review. See it. R action flick that makes you want to see more.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 15

This week we discuss the second week of DC's #0s.
This is the raw copy, We apologizes for it's quality.

New 52 (-1)(+4) Number 0s scores Part 3

A note on Episode 16. Do to a software error, the episode was lost, and efforts are being made to retrieve it. Below are our scores on the specific 0s, and  hopefully by the end of today, Episode 15 will be up.

A brief look at the scores for the New 52 number 0s. All scores are 0 to 5.
Part 3

Comic Dan James Garrett
Batwoman 323
Birds of Prey 3 33
Blue Beetle 2 24
Captain Atom 2 23
Catwoman 1 22
DC Universe Presents
Omac/Mr. T/ H&D/BH/DM
3/2/3/2/2 2/2/1/3/22/2/2/2/2
GL: New Guardians 4 34
Justice League/Backup 5/5 4.5/45/5
Legion of Super Heroes 233
Nightwing 545
Red Hood/Backup 5/52/15/2
Supergirl 443
Sword & Sorcery/Backup 3/44/43
Wonder Woman 543

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #8

Aw, welcome to Amazing Spider-Man #8. Pointlessness of pointlessness. Pete's plans of world domination come to fruition as he and Flash get in a boxing match. Also, a robot menace.

Also a back up starring Johnny Storm. Need I explain more?

Why do we need a tribute to teenagers?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New 52 (+4) scores Part 2

A brief look at the scores for the New 52 number 0s. All scores are 0 to 5.

Comic Dan James Garrett
Batgirl 5 4 5
Batman/Backup 4/5 4/5 4/5
Batman and Robin 4 3 3.5
Deathstroke 2 1 N/A
Demon Knights 3 4 4
Frankenstein 2 3 2
Green Lantern Corps 4 4 3
Grifter 2 3 3
Legion Lost N/A 3 N/A
Ravagers 3 2 N/A
Resurrection Man 5 4 3
Suicide Squad 5 3 4
Superboy 2 3 3
Team 7 2 4 3

Monday, September 17, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Now, our most loyal followers will notice that only a week into our relaunch, and there is no Panel by Panel. Do to serious issues on this end, the episode has yet to be published, but should be available within the next day. I apologize for the wait.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 14

We have Returned.
I hope you enjoy the show. We discuss Green Lantern's newest Lantern. As well we talk about the our picks of the week, and provide a relatively quick run down of the other #0s from DC's New 52.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Amazing Reads: Avenging Spider-Man #11

I'd like to apologize for the delay in adding anything for the past few days. I've been very busy with school, and a new addition to the site. But that being said, lets look into the final book of Spidey's anniversary. Avenging Spider-Man #11

Not gonna be many jokes folks.