Amazing Spider-Man #700. The end of an Era. Or an end to another era. Spidey has a lot of end of an eras. Just look at One More Day. (I refuse to drop that). But here we are looking at the end of this era, where Superior Spider-Man replaces the Friendly neighborhood. And It should be stated that there will be spoilers. If you haven't read this issue, don't go past the break, or cover right below here. And why are we doing #700 before Avenging 15.1, because 15.1 comes after this, and I'll talk about my problems with that issue later.
This has been the hardest Reads I've had at to do. Mostly because it is so recent and I don't want to spoil so much, another because well, I want people to read the story. So when it comes into it, I'm not going to be talking a whole lot about every bit of the story, and trying to cover the basics. Also it's long, and I don't want to bore any of you...that much.
Also Names sucked. Calling Pete Otto, or Otto Pete. Or Doc Ock hurt.
SPOILER: Peter dies. And if you didn't see that coming, well it was pretty telegraphed. This is a pretty decent story, and the only real issue is the death isn't surprising. Even the manner that Doc Ock in Pete's body becomes a good guy isn't surprising. Hell, I can tell you exactly how they'll bring Peter Parker back if ever they get enough flac for Otto Octavius Spider-Man. But we'll talk about that later. We open with Peter Parker (Otto) with Mary-Jane on a "date".
Peter looks like a smug jackass...good art. |
Praise for the art, because when we see Peter, he looks right, but just subtly off because of that smug Otto behind the skin. Well, Pete has a news alert on his computer to hear when Doc Ock dies, turns out it goes off when he escapes.
Face it Tiger, you're F***! |
We cut to Doc Ock (Peter) trying to stay alive. He helps Trapster create a defib type machine and sends it into full blast. Which...well...not good.
Oh...F*** Balls! |
Death Sequence. We see Pete in the afterlife. Where he sees the dead of those he's lost and love. Including obligatory Gwen and Captain Stacy, here's hoping the readers know who they are. (Sorry, I haven't gotten that far in Amazing Reads yet...we're almost there.) And of course the talk with Uncle Ben. You can't die yet, because you need to stop Doc Ock from destroying Spider-Man and Peter. And he says probably the best lines of the comic, "There are NO scales you have to balance, not in my eyes." Anyone who has read Spidey and knows him, knows that is really all he ever wants. To balance the horrible act of his selfishness with these acts of good. He wants to make his Uncle proud, to have the man forgive him. And though he probably had that all along, it's nice to hear that. (Which we've heard before,'s comics... RETREAD!)
No Joke. Just sweet. |
So back to the real world. Jameson makes a declaration that they will find Doc Ock, they will bring him down and all that fun stuff, that leads to an arrogant prick like Otto to not take the flight to safety till Peter dies in his body.
Jameson does more to defeat Doc Ock than Pete ever could. |
So we cut to Pete in Doc's body attacking the police station, why? So he can get to Carlie, because she may be able to help, maybe, hopefully, not really. She get's hurt and they leave. Peter (Otto) goes to round up all of Pete's friends and family and hides them in a safehouse. Where they'll be safe, and not at all killed by Otto being an evil prick in Pete's body.
Not Evil. In no way evil. |
We get a classic Spidey Doc Ock confrontation just in a reverse. They one up each other, and the cops come down on them. Trapster finds out that Doc is building a brain swapper, but thinks it's for him, and Doc just decides to glue him to a wall. Oh, also Hydro Man and Scorpion are fighting outside. Pete as Doc rescues them in a sub.
Pea Pot Pete...heh...I giggle. |
Character time! We get J.J.J making amends to Jameson senior, and a happy free for all. And we get Mary-Jane trying to talk with Spidey. And we get that wonderful speech of why One More Day has sucked. Just look at the panel below. He's right. MJ's role was reduced removed and she became a redundant character. And what happens next is kind of sad, because well, I want it to happen, it should happen, but it feels out of place, and seems to diminish her character more. She admits her love and they kiss.
So we're rounding up to the final confrontation. Doc Ock (Spidey) is leading Hydro Man and Scorpion up to the Avengers towers. Spidey (Doc Ock) was able to lure away the rest of the Avengers, so they can go mono-a-mono. So we get our fight.
As my regular readers know, writing about fights aren't as much fun as you'd think, at least for me. So highlights time. Spidey (Ock) gloats a little and lets slip where the family and friends section is. Hydro Man and Scorpion are going to exploit this. Hydro Man breaks in and is promptly wet vaced by Max Model. Scorpion breaks through looking for J. Jonah. Who shows some balls.
See, now you're a hero Jameson. (See ASM #10) |
Scorpion says he'll go after Jameson Sr. or even Aunt May. Spidey (Ock) shows up and we get the the next hint to his breaking facade, as he gets a flashback of Peter (Peter) being comforted by Aunt May. And Spidey (Ock) goes a little strong at Scorpion, taking out his jaw. Jameson is impressed, and Ock realizes that Spider-Man had been pulling his punches for years.
I feel dirtier being complimented by you Jameson. |
We get our confrontation between Spidey (Ock) and Dr. Ock (Spidey)...I'm getting confused. We're almost done though. Where our hero makes one choice he swore never to make, he actively tries to kill Doc Ock in his body. And almost succeeds.
I need a gold watch... |
Well Doc is able to use the webbing to make an air bag to land on. And well Spidey's broken battered body is stuck on the ground. He does one last ditch effort, using the gold Octo-Bot on Spidey too poor results.
F*** BALLS! |
And we get the final way of turning Doc good. using the telepathic link that still kind of exists, Pete forces Doc to relive all the good, and all the bad of his life. And we get some beautiful art of Doc Ock living the important moments of Pete's life.
I just like the art. |
And well...Spider-Man dies. As simple as that. After imparting the wisdom of Uncle Ben and the hardships of his life, he made Doc understand. And making him a change man. Well, almost changed. He's still an egotistical jackass, but he's good now. (Who knows, read Superior, but I'm guessing yes.)
Now I'm sure you all want to know my opinions of the story, of Pete's death, of Ock's survival? Well you'll have to wait for the end of Amazing Ends when I discuss it. Tomorrow though let's look at Avenging Spider-Man 15.1
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