Welcome, to the future! That's right gentle folks, in special consideration of the upcoming end of Amazing Spider-Man I'm upping the time table this week with day of the future passed. Yes I made an X-Men joke, I don't care. Early this year was a one off (two issues) little story of Peter seeing the future destruction of New York, and thus spending the day trying to stop it, not knowing how. It's a fun short story.
I also chose it so the "Welcome, to the future" opening had context outside of a bad joke.
How did they get out this paper...how... |
Alright, quick update, since we've jumped 50 years of continuity with this edition. Peter graduated High School, College, fell in love, lost that love, fell in love again, sold that love to the devil to save his hundred and ten year old Aunt from dying. I'm not over that Quesada! And now he works at Horizon Labs. Also my Spider-Man Encyclopedia is too old to help me with recent stuff, so I'm using the internet for some of it, so I apologize in advanced for any problems.
So let us begin. We open in bed with Peter. (How much did we drink last night?) and we get the every 6 issue wrap up on who this prick is. Also it's Monday, he doesn't hate Mondays. His cat hates him though.
Wait? Why are you a member of the Fantastic Four? And why should we care, I'll never read that book. |
Pete here is happy cause well, his life isn't in the toilet, for once. He enjoys the spring walk through New York. Horizon has a loose attendance police, as long as they produce stuff, but turns out there is one day they must be on time. Double-Check Duty. Where the scientists get to look at what someone else is doing, to make sure they aren't about to destroy the world. Unlike those assholes in Switzerland. And we meet his buddy for the day. Grady Scraps.
D&D Nerd written all over him. |
Now I'm going to take a step back and reiterate one point. This is meant to check their work, theoretically before the build the world destroying bomb by accident. We return you back to the over enthusiastic moron. He's built his invention. A doorway into the future. Well that can not be good, I'm guessing he rolled a nat. 1 on his intelligence check. So Pete is dubious to the time travel thing, so the Grady walks through the door and returns with a paper featuring a photo of Mayor J.J. Jameson and Silver Sable. (Forgot to mention, J.J. is Mayor now.)
I sense a disturbance in the plot. This shan't end well. |
Well, F***Balls. I so called it. The world is destroyed. Or New York is. Same thing really. So Peter goes through the wreckage and finds a watch. We learn the time of the disaster, which will be ten after three. Or 3:10 for anyone curious.
See that little part that is where the date would be...Yeah, we'll get back to that. |
Now we get how the door really works. What you see when you step through isn't really the future, it's the future 24 hours from that point, as if you hadn't existed. So Pete (Spider-Man) must have been needed in those 24 hours, or things went bomb. And the kicker is, when Pete returns, the door should change back, but something has changed, whether Pete will be more cautious, or what something, New York is still blowed up. So seeing the future has caused the future. Are the Greeks still getting their checks for this plot?
Quick note, Pete realizes the watch belongs to his watch, Max Modell, Pete's boss. Pete appears in an ally way and starts to change when he's confront with Julia Carpenter...Madam Webb?? Aw god damn it. I like the old crazy bat one. Peter needed more old women in his life. She basically tells him to not tell any of the other awesome heroes about the danger.
She has a point. And I hate time travel. |
Thoroughly convinced by Madam Webb, Pete becomes Spider-Man and Swings off to save the day. He also gets in contact with Grady, because he needs to know what he does that day to keep history safe. Which leads to one of the most disheartening things on the planet.
We Are doomed by friends. |
And so the montage begins. Stopping Purse snatchers, and Spidey brings up the point of that there is no small stuff, when Grady asks if they should skip the purse snatching. A car crash, beating a villain named F.A.C.A.D.E. (Buddy that's a horrible name.) But all this does little to stop the end of the world.
Mazel Tov. The go to remark when you have nothing else to say. |
And so 3:10 approaches, the parade with J.J. and Silver Sable is going on, and terrorists are hiding in the ally ways with a bomb.
We shall kill many innocents. To save the innocents! |
Well nothing can be done. The world is minutes away from destruction. But What can spider-Man do. Nothing. Oops. Well let's see the epic conclusion...soon.
The one in whence he goes out with a bang. |
Well, I can say this, decompressed story telling kicks my ass. This has been the easiest one of these to kick out since Amazing Fantasy. It's also been the shortest, with the biggest pictures, and the jokes don't feel as funny, cause...well it's not cheesy silver age. I love modern age, but the jokes are so much easier in the 60s.
4 out of 5: It's fun, it's easy. and it isn't a six issue arc about Doc Ock roasting the planet. (Did I give too much away, shucks)
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