
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Amazing Reads: 2 for .1 Special

Aw, Marvel. How much you want to drive every penny I may or may not have into your pocket. It's anniversary Time. See, not only is it Spidey's 50th year since Amazing #15. It's the one month anniversary for Amazing Reads (Hey, I'm trying here.) So For this month, Marvel is deciding to give us a bunch of point 1s, and point 2s...I don't know, lets just roll with it. Let's look into the first part of their Annivesary Special, The "relaunch" of Peter Parker Spider-Man and The Sensational Spider-Man.

Years ago, Marvel though this Point 1 thing was a good idea. A place for readers to jump onto a book, and a way to milk regular buyers to pay an extra 4 to 5 bucks for a book. Seems to me a win/win right? Well, kinda. I agree with the idea of providing a good way for a reader to know it's a jumping on point, a .1 is a good sign on the box for what you're getting. The problem comes in when they also try and tie that book into the main story, forcing regular buyers to get that book. So instead of a penny ante one shot between story arcs, it becomes the prologue, and more or less required reading. So two books a month (or three for the right runs) for comic goers who already shell out 3 to 4 bucks a month anyway.

So here it is resurrected. We're getting limited one shots/two shots of our Webslinger. Instead of just giving him a one shot annual style thing, it's point ones, which make me think if some of these sell well, we're going to get an on going for Peter Parker Spider-Man or something. More Money Marvel.

Back to point. Are these books worth getting? Well, Kinda.

Peter Parker Spider-Man revolves around the Acme Warehouse, where Peter confronted the burglar who killed his Uncle Ben. Thanks to Reporter Norah Winters, requiring his help with something or other. It's all a cheap excuse to spend half the book on flash backs to Peter's origin. It's a good retelling all and all. My problem with the book is that it's a one shot. But Wait, I hear you cry, isn't that the point? I thought you didn't want to spend more money. Aw, true my intrepid reader, but I also hate the feeling that there is more to this story than these bastards are telling me. Which is the problem of Point 1s. They try to get you on board, but they don't tell a good self contained story.

All in all though, for a good idea of where Peter is today, and a look at where he came from, this isn't a bad little story.

And so we swing the other way to Sensational Spider-Man 33.1. And yes, I hate myself for that pun. I made the joke a few times earlier about Point 2s. Well, here's why. Sensational isn't a one shot. 33.1 is a Part 1. It will be continued in Part 2, 33.2. For some reason, Marvel really doesn't want to up the numbers on these. I wonder why. This starts Carlie Cooper, Cop, friends to Peter, and doesn't like Spidey. (Seen that beaten to death.) Vulture causes problems. (The new one, not Adrian Toomes) We discover Human trafficing, and it all spirals out from there.

I like the art. Other than that...I could take or leave this issue. I'm curious as to what happens, it's not badly written, I just...well, I just don't see the point in it. Maybe Part 2 will change my mind.

I'm going to be waiting for the rest of the Anniversary Specials to hit the shelves before doing this again. Since these are quick looks, and not full on, "Reads" But since they fall under the Spidey Title, I'm going to give them The Amazing Reads header.

Tune in tomorrow for whatever comes up next. I haven't decided yet.

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