Hey, Remember when we listed off what our pulls were for that week, as a preview of the podcast. Remember when we stopped? No? Well, that doesn't matter. This is a revamp, relaunch, reboot. And other Re words that may ore may not be applicable. This piece will be a regular Friday feature looking and provide quick views of this weeks pulls. So, let us go!
So, this is only a few of this weeks reads. Daredevil and Fantastic Four Annuals that was acquired this week are part of a longer story, and will be talked about then. So quick thoughts on what I got this week.
Resurrection Man #12: I'm sad to see this book going. When other books are selling worse than it, and I love it so. But then again, I've seen people loving Voodoo and Hawk and Dove. So...you know, whatever. We end the penultimate issue with a cliffhanger. All shall be explained in Resurrection Man #0. And Hopefully Mitch Shelly will be in Justice League Dark.
Demon Knights #12: Demon Knights is a mixed bag. I wouldn't really recommend this book. Mostly because it isn't for your average reader. If you play Dungeons and Dragons, if you do Table Top. Yeah, pick this up, read it. It reads like a campaign from that kind of world. How this book will tie into the upcoming Mega Cross over of Trinity war, I have no idea.
Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #12: Eh, The recent arc was interesting for his flash backs to when his parts were people. But other than that, eh is the best I got. You almost get the feeling that the creators felt this too, since this issue wraps things up...FAST. Woo-boy is it fast. We set up for Frankenstein's incursion into the Rot once more, with the return of an old friend.
Batman #12: Remember that girl from Batman #7. The one that seemed weird and out of place, that Bruce knew we didn't? Well guess what this book is about. Yup. Her. And why she is. Also, yeah, it's a one shot, can skip it if you like, but It's Batman, one of the best books of the DCU at the moment.
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1-2: End it now for whatever you believe in Marvel, end this. It's painful. It's not funny, it's not witty, it's not pithy, it's not enlightening. It's a badly used metaphor at best. I particularly didn't like When Punisher did this, I don't like it when Deadpool does it. It screams of the Author just gleefully running around killing heroes because he's making some weird meta message. Is it obvious that I hate this book? I'm going to look at the last issue, because I'm putting money right now, the new voice in Deadpool's head is the writer. I saw this done better by Grant Morrison!
So Wrap up. Pick up Batman. If you're into there concept, Get Demon Knights and Frankenstein. I wouldn't bother at this point for Resurrection Man, since it is going way, but get the trades. And Deadpool...If I owned the copies I read, I would burn them instead of letting them sit in my collection.
That's all, good Night.