
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Owls' Special

A note on the our Owls' Special. First it will take a bit to come out, because of it's nature, we wish to spend some time editing it. It will be a long episode, thanks to roughly 14 books we will be talking about.

Also, as far as books that may have come out this week, like Ravengers #1. We will discuss them next week. Sorry for the delay on those.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 9

We're back, in a new room. Hopefully with better acoustics.
So this week:
Batman inc.
New Guardians
Teen Titans
Justice League Dark
I, Vampire

Event Fever
We mock the second vs book.

An Apology

This is an apology that Dan and I recorded in regards to our Episode 8.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 8

Well, this is episode 8.
We honestly suggest you don't listen to it. It's horrible. We approach a subject we have no real insight to, and we handle it poorly. So feel free to move along to our next episode.

P.S. The episode is mostly us discussing DC outing one of their characters, and Marvel's Gay Proposal and Marriage. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Late Episode

Well, we had a great track record there for a bit, we may have done three or four in a row without missing a week.
And then this happens. We have tried to record this podcast a few times, and each time a new and delightful (sarcasm) problem has arisen.
We are hoping to put out a new episode in the next couple of days, but if we don't, I'll ramble something off.
Best of luck to our

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pulls 05/16/2012

Another Week, Another Round

James' Pulls:
Green Lantern Corps #9
Justice League #9
Nightwing #9
Birds of Prey #9
Catwoman #9
Red Hood #9
Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
AvX Vs #2
Daredevil #13
(I'd like to damn night of owls. This could have been a cheap week for me.)

Dan's Pulls:
Green Lantern Corps #9
Justice League #9
Nightwing #9
Birds of Prey #9
Catwoman #9
Red Hood #9
Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
AvX Vs #2

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DC Families Review: The Dark

A few things to get out of the way. First off, for those who don’t know, DC has broken their books up into separate families. And over the course of the next few weeks I, James, plan on doing quick reviews of each family and their books, how their stories are going, what I hope to see, that type of things. I am also hoping to get Dan and Garrett to do this as well and get their opinions on their favorite/least favorite families. So let’s kick this off with my favorite, THE DARK.

For any regulars out there you may have heard that my picks of the week aren’t books we talk about on the show, for some, I’m the only one reading them, others, well, just isn’t brought up for time’s sake. But I am a huge fan of THE DARK.  A quick rundown of the books: Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Justice League Dark, Demon Knights, I Vampire, Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., and Demon Knights. (Recent addiction Dial H, though we won’t cover that for the moment.)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 7

Welcome to Episode 7 of Panel by Panel
This week we talk about
Green Lantern: With lecture by Garrett
The Culling (Superboy and Legion Lost)
Suicide Squad and Resurrection Man
Scarlet Spider
Uncanny X-Force

Event Tie-Ins.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pull List: May 9 2012

So I haven't done this in a few weeks, partly because I've had a whole bunch of things on my mind, and partly because our newest host gets comics at a different time than I and Dan do, and I felt odd not getting him involved.
This week, I've decided to screw that. You may also note this is up early. I know what I'm getting, I know what Dan is getting. And I will make shit up for Garrett. If anything really cool comes out, I'll make an addendum.
The red highlight is what we got that was not apart of this original list. I apologize to Demon Knights. Not to the tie ins.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day: One Day Late

If you are curious...I'm just bored today. So this is the last one, I promise. Just...a visual difference in the two big comic book companies and what they are trying to get us to buy their books.


I feel the art speaks for itself. Two companies trying to sell you their product by giving free samples. Me thinks one of these books needs to get better art, to convince me to buy more of their product.

Pandora! I found her.

So quick update, because We forgot to look for Pandora on the release of the second wave. So we didn't have her in our podcast. Here she is

G.I. Combat
World's Finest

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Panel by Panel Episode 6

And we have an episode 6. Hoorah.
Apologies. There were slight problems with the sever, the episode is now available.

This week we talk about:
Teen Titans Annual #1: The Culling Part 1
Earth 2
Worlds Finest
Action Comics
Justice League International

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers Movie

A quick update.
We will do a show on this movie. Whether it will be a part of our regular show or a special is yet to be seen. We will be recording this evening, and we will see then. But a quick preview: We recommend seeing it. Our podcast of it will be full of spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled, go see the movie. This weekend.

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