So, the time has come, again. Amazing Spider-Man is closing it's doors and allowing a new adjective to take it's place, next week. So to celebrate that, we're doing a special. Amazing Ends. We explore the end of Spider-Man, or the Amazing one, since we both know, he like Wolverine, will never die. But how does this end come about, well we'll be looking at Amazing Spider-Man 698-700 (including 699.1 and Avenging 15.1) for a week. So how about we look and enjoy Amazing 698.
I'll inspire fan theories for months. No one will know the truth. |
Well, quick back-story. Earlier this year, Doc Ock and the Sinister Six plotted to roast the world, because the good doctor was dying. Spider-Man stopped him, and supposedly cost Silver Sable her life. The Doc is taken to the super villain prison. Where he will die in his prison cell. And that is where we join this issue. The alarm is going off at The Raft. (the prison) The guards are running along the hallway, we get some cameo appearances from Morbius, Lizard, Spider-Slayer. And we get to see what condition Doc Ock is in.
Oh dear lord. He's more machine than man. |
The guards are appropriately concerned, because this is the Doc Ock who nearly fried a planet, and even took control of the city. But he's saying something. It's plot. So one moves in close to hear what he's saying.
Oh F*** Balls! |
Cut to a small gold octobot in the middle of New York as it repeats his words. And we now join Spider-Man in Swingin' mode. And we're about to see that most of this issue is establishing the status quo. He's very happy. Which is strange, cause usually Peter Parker is a woe is me, my life is crap. But maybe he finally is taking some Anti-Depressants, who knows. We meet a "new" supervillain called Destructor...and well.
Like a boss. |
Well, turns out he isn't a super-villain, but some asshole presenting to be one to rob a place. Too bad that the super-powered freak in red and blue tights showed up. Well, the police are informing him of this, and by the time they ask for him to fill out paper work, he just goes. "Eh...No. BYE!" So Pete returns to his sweet pad and admires his looks, like a true Narcissus. He wonders about the cut he got on his cheek.
Last issue, last week, seems Pete's getting forgetful, or all his fights run together. |
Aw, so now we get a brief run down of the important people in Pete's life, through the magic of his answering machine. First is Mary-Jane Watson. They used to be married to her, then made a deal with the devil so they get to go through the will they won't they for another decade of tired crap. (I HATE YOU QUESADA!) Next is Jay Jameson, not J.J., but his father, who is with Aunt May. Cause you know, that's not creepy. Finally we hear from Max Modell, Pete's boss at Horizon Labs. It's his evaluation today, and he comes in and boasts a big game to his boss.
Something...familiar. Like...a subtle hint...something...Can't put my finger on it. |
We find out that Pete's actually a pretty smart guy, that he's been doing things of great discovery and stuff, but when he's not doing the Science, he's going out on the town. He goes to a club, MJs to be precise. See, Mary-Jane owns a club now. Oh, and he's trying to smooth talk her, I'm not a hundred percent sure it's working, one frame she seems into it, the next she seems dismissive. Of course...Pete's been known to double time it in his younger days. So the two end off heading to see Aunt May and Jay.
Ass Hat. |
Well, this is going back a few issues, Aunt May was injured thanks to that little ass Alpha, and so she's going through physical therapy. Now in true Spidey fashion, he's needed elsewhere as his avenger signal goes off. Well, Pete has to go off, and MJ covers for his ass. Like usual. Spidey goes off to the Raft, where Captain America, Spider-Woman (why her?) Hawkeye and Wolverine are waiting for him. This is when he is informed that Doc is asking for Peter Parker not, Spider-Man. there is concern.
Wolverine is a psychopath...Just saying. |
Spider-Man is let into the room, where he and his oldest foe face can talk. The good Doctor is trying to talk. He says "Peter Parker." Spider-Man takes off his mask. "I'm Peter Parker." And well, the doc repeats that, tears in his eyes. Wait...What...
Aw....F*** Balls. |
And so Doctor Otto Octavius walks from the room in Peter Parker's body. He has sent his greatest foe to the afterlife, and can go on living without worry. What evil can this mad man do in the body of Spider-Man. Well, we'll have to wait. Because...this is the end.
Well...That's actually...interesting. |
Well, I'm ditching the ratings for now, because this is so inter-tied with the rest of the arc, and the end of Spider-Man as we know it. But what can we do. What is there too do? We can only wait as Peter Parker dies in the good doctor's body, with Otto walks free. Come back tomorrow to find out.
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