Welcome to Amazing Ends! Today it's Amazing Spider-Man 699, and the dark time is coming. I shan't have you wait any longer, let us dive in and have a look at what happens.
Update: Apologies for the late posting today. This was scheduled to go out, but apparently it didn't.
When last we left our hero, he was dying, in Doc Ock's body. So...Let's check on in. Yup...Still dying
I will save your life, I still don't like you. |
So our hero is saved from death by some very skilled doctors, who take their Hippocratic oath very seriously, but have no problems spitting on a dying old man. And we join Peter Parker wondering what the hell is going on. He knows he's in a prison, and surrounded by villains, and we see a flash of the lizard.
Pete (Ock) has gone all mad scientist on us. Bout damn time. |
And so our hero starts to lament the evil that Doc will do in his name. He will rob banks, manhandle his ex-
wife. Kill Aunt May and Jay for their fortune, or something. And of course, he could kill the Avengers, if they were near stupid enough to let him.
Heh, look at his goofy face. |
He realizes that since Doc could access his memories, he could access the Doc's. So we get a young Octavious being beaten by his father, the explosion that fused the arms to his skin. Spider-Man beating the crap out of him...and...
Never again...never again...(And anyone who has read the book, yes I photo shopped the frames so that joke would be apart of the panel, it's a good joke.
And now we see how Otto pulled this off. He essentially created tech that Pete would then use to defeat him. And the more Spider-Man used it, the more Doc could map out the guys brain. And one day...A gold Octobot stings him in the back of the brain. (Right after the fight with the Hobgoblins.
F*** Balls! |
And so Pete tries to get the thing working. He does.
Only Pete would be surprised he can talk. |
Oh, back to the Lizard. Seems he's not insane anymore, he's Curt trapped in the Lizard's body. (Which you know, is a little redundant, but what can you do.) Well, seems Curt is accepting the punishment for what he did, like eating his son, so...yeah.
I can now count the flowers on the wall. |
That side track is over with we get back to the gold octobot. He has a Contingency SIGMA 6.0 plan, whatever that is. Seems bout right that Doc Ock would have one like that. He sends it across the world to many badguys in silhouette. Offering cash to whoever will take up the mission. The octobot gives out. And...
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Am I evil for laughing at this? |
So Pete is dying...again. as he does so, Hydro man shows up. (Cause...Hyrdo-man...you know...Sandman, but water...) He sets up a portal and Scorpion and Trapster come bursting through. Trapster finds Doc's body and straps him up to home made life support, which is totally safe and not gonna get you killed Pete. So, we learn that Plan Sigma is a forming of the Sinister Six, and Pete puts the kibosh on that saying they go, despite Morbius begging, and Pete asking the Lizard to come. Neither do, so we move on. And so end on the final plan. Catch Spider-Man.
I'm going to die, aren't i? |
So we come to an end for issue 699. 699.1 is next as we look at the set up to the Morbius book, which has nothing to do with this arc, but if I was forced to read it thinking it would, than damn it, I'm forcing you all to read it too.
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