This is just a Quick look of what Comics I would recommend coming into the New Year. As well as a quick review of the only Christmas Comic I read this year.
Comics to grab, Animal Man and Swamp Thing. Duh. Batman, especially if they stop with the Family Cross overs and just let their be a story in that book for once. Daredevil and Hawkeye if you are into Marvel.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
If you can't tell by the poorly photoshoped sign below, It's time to reveal why Panel by Panel has been vacant the past few weeks. Going on January 1st to the 5th we will be going through all five of the final issues of Amazing Spider-Man, including Avenging Spider-Man 15.1 and Amazing 699.1. I do hope you are ready for an ending of a lifetime.
As a New Year begins, we shall look to an End.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
If Death Be the Food of Rot, Fight On
First off, I'd like to thank friend of the site Kristine Chester for the Shakespeare pun for this title, since my knowledge of the Bard is limited. (For the record, I thought of a really cool one to end this series on, then looked at the list she sent and it's on feel less cool now) But this is the third week, not counting the prequel before the issue zeros, how are things going? Will our heroes prevail? Is Frankenstein still shit? We will see. As always, Spoilers ahead, so if you don't wish to know, please turn back.
Quick check on Rotworld. In Animal Man, the Red Kingdom, Buddy Baker found allies with Steel, Black Orchid, Beast Boy and John Constantine. They encountered Felix Faust who was working for Anton, and taunted Buddy about his "Little Wing" in their capture. The troupe went off and where ambushed by Gorilla Grodd. Oh, and in the past the Bakers (And Buddy's mother-in-law) are taken over by the rot, leaving Maxine to run off where she encounters William Arcane.
Friday, December 14, 2012
General apologies for the lack of updates and podcast, and all that. We here and Panel by Panel are working hard on a special even for the new year, which is taking up a majority of our time. But be well knowing that a Rotworld special is coming down soon, and even another Amazing Reads before the end of the year.
So have a happy holiday season. Christmas Season...Whatever season. I'm not going on a war against anything.
So have a happy holiday season. Christmas Season...Whatever season. I'm not going on a war against anything.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man 678
Welcome, to the future! That's right gentle folks, in special consideration of the upcoming end of Amazing Spider-Man I'm upping the time table this week with day of the future passed. Yes I made an X-Men joke, I don't care. Early this year was a one off (two issues) little story of Peter seeing the future destruction of New York, and thus spending the day trying to stop it, not knowing how. It's a fun short story.
I also chose it so the "Welcome, to the future" opening had context outside of a bad joke.
I also chose it so the "Welcome, to the future" opening had context outside of a bad joke.
How did they get out this |
Friday, November 30, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #11
We've passed the big #10 and now we have 11, the return of Doc Ock! Do we know his name yet? Has he been called Otto Octavius? Do any of you care? We also get pay off to that little side story of Betty Brant which has been boiling over for a few months.
Okay...I get it, Doc Ock is bad ass. Can we move on? |
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Something Rotten in the State of DC!
Something Rotten in the State of DC!
What? I love my puns. These things take time and creativity. But lets look at November's Rot Books. (And end of October.) So how do our heroes do in Part two of the Rot.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Uncharted: A look at the Past, Present, and Future (Part I)
This is an official break from normal policy for this website, the primary talk of this post won't be about comics, or come from comics. Now there is a comic involved. But we won't talk about that in this first installment. Instead we're looking at the beginning of this series. So let's look at Drake and his cadre of friends.
Rules about Nathan Drake. He's a treasure hunter, tomb robber, and all around thief. He's out for himself, and if you're Sully, he'll look after you too. Also, he has no problem loving and leaving you. So let's look at the first game in the series.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. We open on a small salvage boat during the filming of a documentary. We're introduced to Drake and intrepid reported Elaine Fisher, filming the discovering of Sir Francis Drake's coffin. It's empty and we discover his diary. And then, we're invaded by pirates. But we're going to skip over the usual run downs of games because that isn't what this is about.
What this is about is what makes these games fun and enjoyable. They're those Summer Blockbusters that you see and love. They're aren't art, never meant to be art. They are fun. Nathan Drake in that fallible hero, in vane of Indiana Jones or John McClane. Victor "Sully" Sullivan is that rugged mentor who gets some of the best lines. And the love interest, who thankfully isn't some bottle blonde, but someone who can kick ass, and take care of herself.
Back to Drake's Fortune. This is a story of looking for El Dorado, the fabled city of gold. But what do Nazi's and that mysterious movement in the jungle trees have to do with that. Well, you'll just have to play to find out. But you won't be disappointed. The Twists are unexpected, but are not out of place.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. This time Drake is on the look out for the fortune found in ancient Shambhala (better known as Shangri-La). He is following Marco Polo instead of Sir Francis Drake. This leads him into contact with old friend Chloe Frazer, by old friend, we mean old lover. Which leads to an interested, will he won't they. And how many times can she double cross Nate. We also are left wondering what happened to Elaine, the happy couple seemed happy last we saw. Well in case it comes as no surprise, Nate has a few issues with settling down.
Sully has a few short bits, but a majority of the game is spent with Nate and Chloe, and Elaine, when you get there. In the vain of the first game, you may see the twist coming. But it does a good job of adding a twist to that. It's a strong follow up to Drake's Fortune, and leaves you wanting more.
Drake's Deception. Honestly the weakest of the three games, which is sad, because there is so much promise, and drive behind it. We get back story for Nate and Sully's relationship. As well as a look into the long history the antagonist has with our heroes. A new ally is added, Charlie Cutter, and Irishman with a dry wit.
This time we travel to the deserts of the Sahara, following T.E. Lawrence (AKA Lawrence of Arabia), looking for the lost city of Ubar. Noticing a pattern yet? This is story provides a good end to the Nate and Elaine romance, finally pushing Nate past his issues of settling down. Unfortunately that is all the plot has going for it. The usual twist is telegraphed a mile off, and not in the good way, that becomes subverted, the way Among Thieves did. It's a fun game all and all, and worth it to complete the trilogy.
Next week we look at the Fourth Labyrinth, tie in novel for the series.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
We here at Panel by Panel would like to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.
That is all...good-bye.
That is all...good-bye.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Marvel-ous Reviews
Since we are on break for Thanksgiving, we here at Panel by Panel (Just me mostly) will be doing something a little special. Welcome to Marvel-ous Reviews.
Marvel gets very little love on our podcast. We admit that. Most of this comes from that: Dan is an avid Batman fan, James got into comics with the new 52, and Garrett is...well Garrett is just Garrett. So for our Thanksgiving away, let's look at a few of the Marvel Books that came out on 11/21/2012. These are quick reviews, lacking any spoilers, and a quick rating for each.
Marvel gets very little love on our podcast. We admit that. Most of this comes from that: Dan is an avid Batman fan, James got into comics with the new 52, and Garrett is...well Garrett is just Garrett. So for our Thanksgiving away, let's look at a few of the Marvel Books that came out on 11/21/2012. These are quick reviews, lacking any spoilers, and a quick rating for each.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 20
Welcome to Panel by Panel!
Episode 20. Dan rejoins us and we discuss Death of the Family. As well as other stories, including Thor and Phantom Stranger. As well as Previews and their Spoilers.
Episode 20. Dan rejoins us and we discuss Death of the Family. As well as other stories, including Thor and Phantom Stranger. As well as Previews and their Spoilers.
Panel by Panel,
Phantom Strangers,
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #10
And so we reach double digits with the Amazing Spider-Man, even though this will mark his twelfth proper appearance in comics by this point. (If my math is correct. It may not be.) So which landmark awesome villain awaits us for this landmark 10th issue. ...The what nows? Enforcers? Now wait a second, and let me look up these villains in the handy dandy Spider-Man Encyclopedia...
They get a full page. A bunch of thugs, who for some reason, end up working for Kingpin, surprise surprise. You know, now I'm just waiting for the Green Goblin to show up. Four issues? YAY! So lets swing into Amazing Spider-Man #10.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Moving On Up! (Promoting and site news)
A late post this day. And as your humble (not really) writer here sits and watching a movie on Netflix (Going Postal, for those who are curious.) and I receive some brilliant news. Friend of the podcast, the delightful Kristine Chester has informed me that our humble blog is being promoted at Fanboy Comics blogroll.
Now we here do encourage you to visit that website, it's full of great reviews and commentators. We of course have a link down on the side there if you to visit this geek haven. And speaking of other wonderful geek havens, please visit Worlds That Never Were a podcast staring good friend of Panel by Panel Kristine Chester.
Oh, and as we're on a promoting spree, do look into Identify Thief.
Have I missed anyone, hopefully not. If I have, please do inform us in the comments.
On to Site News. Due to underwhelming response and well other issues, no Halloween Special. Sorry. Episode 20 is delayed, but we mentioned that in an earlier post. Tomorrow a new Amazing Read.
Now we here do encourage you to visit that website, it's full of great reviews and commentators. We of course have a link down on the side there if you to visit this geek haven. And speaking of other wonderful geek havens, please visit Worlds That Never Were a podcast staring good friend of Panel by Panel Kristine Chester.
Oh, and as we're on a promoting spree, do look into Identify Thief.
Have I missed anyone, hopefully not. If I have, please do inform us in the comments.
On to Site News. Due to underwhelming response and well other issues, no Halloween Special. Sorry. Episode 20 is delayed, but we mentioned that in an earlier post. Tomorrow a new Amazing Read.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Barren Blog
So for our loyal fans. All one of you. You may notice that well, there hasn't been ANYTHING on the site for about...two weeks now.
We here at Panel by Panel apologize, but a mixture of real-life, schooling, and technical gremlins have made it really hard to keep in touch with you all. We're sorry. There will be a new Amazing Reads within the week, and hopefully a new podcast by the end of the week.
We thank you for your patience, if you enjoy this podcast, please donate to us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Rate our podcast on Itunes.
We here at Panel by Panel apologize, but a mixture of real-life, schooling, and technical gremlins have made it really hard to keep in touch with you all. We're sorry. There will be a new Amazing Reads within the week, and hopefully a new podcast by the end of the week.
We thank you for your patience, if you enjoy this podcast, please donate to us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Rate our podcast on Itunes.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Late Episode 19
First off, I'd like to thank our loyal listeners for waiting despite the delay. Halloween has us behind here, and technical gremlins never help.
Dan couldn't join us this week, so it's just Garrett and James. Marvel is discussed, and talking about some of our favorite stories. Tune in next time for the Hallow's eve special where we talk about our favorite horror stories. We're still accepting feed back for that.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 18
Welcome to Panel by Panel Episode 18.
This week we discuss Arrow, Iron Man 3, and a Justice League movie.
In comics is Batman #13, Phantom Stranger #1, and Hawkeye #3
Hey look Marvel!
This week we discuss Arrow, Iron Man 3, and a Justice League movie.
In comics is Batman #13, Phantom Stranger #1, and Hawkeye #3
Hey look Marvel!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A Call to Haunt
Welcome to Panel by Panel. Later this month for Halloween we will be doing a horror special. Won't you join us?
So all you trick and treaters out there come join us with your own favorite horror comics. We'll read them on air and we'll have ghoulish good time.
Email your favorite horror comics to
So all you trick and treaters out there come join us with your own favorite horror comics. We'll read them on air and we'll have ghoulish good time.
Email your favorite horror comics to
Monday, October 15, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #9
Here we are, one away from the big milestone of #10. And what do we have for this much belated Amazing Reads. Electro? Ohhh I like. I always had a weird relationship with Electro. Growing up I always thought he was a B-lister. I mean no Doc Ock, or Goblin, and certainly not Venom or Carnage. (What I grew up in the 90s!) But I've come to appreciate this villain. That and he got his own staring role as a villain in a video game. Also, a member of the classic Sinister Six. Speaking of which, Doc Ock, Sandman, Vulture. Hey, we're over half way there! Sweet!
The Defeat of Spider-Man! Like in Issues 3, 4, and 7! |
Friday, October 12, 2012
Questions about Team 7
Mostly this blog post arises from a bad piece of art I caught in reading Team 7 #1. I'm bored, and there won't be a podcast this week because of personal reasons. We'll hold off discussing Arrow until the group gets together, so it's just me and my musings.
Oh, and for those wondering what that piece of art was, here ya go.
Oh, and for those wondering what that piece of art was, here ya go.
I can't be the only one who questions how that hand can be there.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Something Rotten this Way Comes
First off, that is not a Shakespeare reference, it's a Bradbury reference, which is a Shakespeare reference, so maybe the title of the post is a highbrow reference, instead of an obscure sci-fi reference. But moving on.
Two months ago, I reviewed Animal Man and Swamp Thing #12 with mixed results. I spent most the time geeking out and going on overly long rants about how awesome Animal Man is. (It is.) I'll try to avoid that this week. Oh, and I hate myself for the ending joke. I had to wait two months...not one. Damn you, DC!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 17
Welcome to Panel by Panel Episode 17. Not much of a description this week. Too busy. Bye.
Monday, October 1, 2012
New 52 (-1)(+4) Number 0s scores Part 4
Episode 16 will be up later today. Till then. Enjoy our scores!
Comic | Dan | James | Garrett |
All Star Western | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Aquaman | 5 | 4 | 5 |
Batman Incorporated | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Dark Knight | 4 | 3 | 4 |
The Flash | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Fury of Firestorm | 2 | 2 | 1 |
I, Vampire | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Justice League Dark | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Red Lanterns | 3 | 1 | 1 |
The Savage Hawkman | N/A | 2 | 2 |
Superman | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Talon | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Teen Titans | 4 | 2 | 3 |
Voodoo | N/A | 2 | 2 |
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I am the Law
I am not the most imaginative person. For those who wonder why I went with the most obvious joke for the title, and one you may no doubt have seen a dozen and a half times over by now. So let's continue.
Dredd 3D: Non Spoiler review. See it. R action flick that makes you want to see more.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 15
This week we discuss the second week of DC's #0s.
This is the raw copy, We apologizes for it's quality.
This is the raw copy, We apologizes for it's quality.
New 52 (-1)(+4) Number 0s scores Part 3
A note on Episode 16. Do to a software error, the episode was lost, and efforts are being made to retrieve it. Below are our scores on the specific 0s, and hopefully by the end of today, Episode 15 will be up.
A brief look at the scores for the New 52 number 0s. All scores are 0 to 5.
Part 3
A brief look at the scores for the New 52 number 0s. All scores are 0 to 5.
Part 3
Comic | Dan | James | Garrett |
Batwoman | 3 | 2 | 3 |
Birds of Prey | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Blue Beetle | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Captain Atom | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Catwoman | 1 | 2 | 2 |
DC Universe Presents Omac/Mr. T/ H&D/BH/DM |
3/2/3/2/2 | 2/2/1/3/2 | 2/2/2/2/2 |
GL: New Guardians | 4 | 3 | 4 |
Justice League/Backup | 5/5 | 4.5/4 | 5/5 |
Legion of Super Heroes | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Nightwing | 5 | 4 | 5 |
Red Hood/Backup | 5/5 | 2/1 | 5/2 |
Supergirl | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Sword & Sorcery/Backup | 3/4 | 4/4 | 3 |
Wonder Woman | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #8
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
New 52 (+4) scores Part 2
A brief look at the scores for the New 52 number 0s. All scores are 0 to 5.
Comic | Dan | James | Garrett |
Batgirl | 5 | 4 | 5 |
Batman/Backup | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 |
Batman and Robin | 4 | 3 | 3.5 |
Deathstroke | 2 | 1 | N/A |
Demon Knights | 3 | 4 | 4 |
Frankenstein | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Green Lantern Corps | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Grifter | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Legion Lost | N/A | 3 | N/A |
Ravagers | 3 | 2 | N/A |
Resurrection Man | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Suicide Squad | 5 | 3 | 4 |
Superboy | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Team 7 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
Batman and Robin,
Demon Knights,
Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E.,
Green Lantern Corps,
Legion Lost,
new 52,
Resurrection Man,
Suicide Squad,
Team 7
Monday, September 17, 2012
Technical Difficulties
Now, our most loyal followers will notice that only a week into our relaunch, and there is no Panel by Panel. Do to serious issues on this end, the episode has yet to be published, but should be available within the next day. I apologize for the wait.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 14
We have Returned.
I hope you enjoy the show. We discuss Green Lantern's newest Lantern. As well we talk about the our picks of the week, and provide a relatively quick run down of the other #0s from DC's New 52.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Amazing Reads: Avenging Spider-Man #11
Friday, August 31, 2012
Amazing Reads: 3 for .2
ell, we're approaching the end of Spider-Man's 50th anniversary. One final book past these three I'd like to talk about, but why wait? Let's dive into these three.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #7
Well, here we are, and our first return appearance of a villain. Of course it isn't the menacing Doc Ock, or well, I'd say Lizard, but a bit much, since it was the last issue. Come to think of it, we really haven't had that many impressive villains thus far. Chameleon was dull, Sandman was crappy. Oh, and Tinkerer was an alien, but not really, but that isn't revealed for a 100 or so comics, so let's just go with the alien. For those who want to imagine that line would sound when spoken, just say it out loud without pausing for breath.
Back to point. Amazing Spider-Man #7. The Vulture returns. Yay...
The most dangerous foe of all. An 80 year old man! |
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Amazing Reads: The Amazing Spider-Man #692
Let us friends travel in time, from 1963, to late 2012. Spider-Man has grown in these many years. He starts acting responsible. (Sometimes). He stops hitting on three women at once. (Sometimes) And he has a real job. (Sometimes.)
The only thing to not change, is his incredibly old, why isn't she dead yet, Aunt. It has been fifty years since the release of Amazing Fantasy #15, and Spider-Man gets his 50th anniversary issue, a grand total of six dollars down the tube on this one, at least it's double sized, I think. I didn't bother counting the pages.
![]() |
Pretty. |
Pulls 08/22/2012
Another week comes, another week goes, and we have a new stack of pretty pictures and words. This fourth week is quickly becoming that hodgepodge of left overs week. Weeks one and two are primarily the Dark and Vertigo books. Week three gets to be the Green Lantern week. And this week we get my regulars of Justice League Dark, All-Star Western, and New Guardians.
There is some Spider-Man involved, but issue 692 is going to get a special, since it gets to be the uber expensive 50th anniversary issue.
Oh, and the final issue of Deadpool Kills the Universe. Bloody hell.
And remember, spoiler free zone. Well, except for the rant at the end, I just don't care anymore about keeping that one clean.
There is some Spider-Man involved, but issue 692 is going to get a special, since it gets to be the uber expensive 50th anniversary issue.
Oh, and the final issue of Deadpool Kills the Universe. Bloody hell.
And remember, spoiler free zone. Well, except for the rant at the end, I just don't care anymore about keeping that one clean.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #6
Welcome! This episode...can I call these this? Whatever. This Episode, we look at the first appearance of the Lizard! Villainous star of The Amazing Spider-Man. Making only the Green Goblin the only villain not to appear into the comics that we have seen in the films. (In this series, of course he has appeared in the comics). Well, him and Venom (That wasn't Venom!) and Harry Osborne as the Green Goblin, but...that doesn't matter. That was Spider-Man 3, that movie doesn't exist.
Right. Onto Amazing Spider-Man #6.
Hey, I say this movie! |
Monday, August 20, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #5
And so we come to this. Our Fifth Amazing Spider-Man. This time we get the villainous Dr. Doom. Because, well, neither Stan Lee nor Ditko felt like pulling another animal out of their sack to create a new villain this month. So what happens when the Spider-Man faces off against the metal masked freak? Well, stay tuned, and we shall see.
Why did it have to happen? Come on text box...why? |
Friday, August 17, 2012
Pulls for 08/015/2012
That time of the week again, where because I have nothing particularly awesome to talk about from this weeks pulls I'm going to prattle on about all of them. And expect a rant. Just saying. So what have we got on the plate this week. Well Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Daredevil, and Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe. The Spider-Man books will be discussed at a later time.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #4
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Apologies, Again.
I apologize for their not being any content on the site for the past few days. Things have been really busy behind the scenes here, and I just haven't had time to write anything up. There should be another Amazing Reads up tomorrow, and Friday will be discussing a New Comic.
Friday, August 10, 2012
This Weeks Pulls: 08/07/2012
Hey, Remember when we listed off what our pulls were for that week, as a preview of the podcast. Remember when we stopped? No? Well, that doesn't matter. This is a revamp, relaunch, reboot. And other Re words that may ore may not be applicable. This piece will be a regular Friday feature looking and provide quick views of this weeks pulls. So, let us go!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Amazing Reads: 2 for .1 Special
Aw, Marvel. How much you want to drive every penny I may or may not have into your pocket. It's anniversary Time. See, not only is it Spidey's 50th year since Amazing #15. It's the one month anniversary for Amazing Reads (Hey, I'm trying here.) So For this month, Marvel is deciding to give us a bunch of point 1s, and point 2s...I don't know, lets just roll with it. Let's look into the first part of their Annivesary Special, The "relaunch" of Peter Parker Spider-Man and The Sensational Spider-Man.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Amazing Reads: Spider-Man The Darkest Hour
Welcome to Amazing Reads. With actual reading. This is a novel. Spider-Man The Darkest Hour is written by Jim Butcher, of Harry Dresden fame. He also wrote Codex Alera, but never read those, I prefer the Urban Fantasy, much like Super-Heroes in some weird way. But let's get to this review.
![]() |
Aww...Black Cat. |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Amazing Reads: Strange Tales Annual #2
Welcome to the first non Spider-Man title for this series. Well, unless you count the Daredevil one, but I don't really because that was before I figured on just doing separate reviews for modern comics. Back to topic though. Spider-Man and the Human Torch. My favorite, and least favorite Marvel characters...yay...This is going to be a long one, I can tell.
Don't worry, not 72 pages for this reading. |
Monday, August 6, 2012
Modern Reviews: Hawkeye #1
Well, I have been treated to something spectacular this weekend. I found this comic. Hawkeye has had many series in the past, most were limited, or team books. We shall see if you last longer. But let's dive into Hawkeye #1.
![]() |
Never have I felt purple looked more manly. |
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Rotworld: Prequel
Rotworld. The mega cross over book of the year. Sure you can have your Court of Owls. Your Avengers vs X-Men. But none shall hold a candle to Rotworld, the Animal Man and Swamp Thing Cross over. (Featuring other books in the Dark family.)
For two reasons. One, every book that will be apart of this cross over will be good. (I'm looking at you Red Hood. And you...Avengers vs X-Men.) And two, more than two issues are written by Scott Snyder. Let us dive into Rotworld Prequel.
This is spoiler heavy, so If you want to read them, do not read this. I can't recommend these two enough, and they aren't bad jumping on points for new readers to either of these series.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Panel by Panel Podcast: Hiatus
For a few reasons which are personal to those behind this podcast, it has become too much for us to do at this moment.
Now, we all still love this podcast, and are still committed to doing it, so it won't be going away. But for now only talk about it here in text form instead of audibly.
Thank you,
Panel by Panel Staff.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Amazing Reads: Daredevil Volume 3 #16
Alright, so we get to the other reason behind Amazing Reads. Discussing the latest comics that I really like that I don't get to on the podcast. I believe I said this would be for the Spider-Man books, but the other Marvel book I grab is Daredevil. Now you may ask why I'm not doing Amazing Spider-Man 690, or Avenging Spider-Man #10. Or even Peter Parker Spider-Man 156.1. The first two is easy, I haven't read them yet. Peter Parker I just realized came out, so...don't have that one yet.
But today we talk about Mark Waid's Daredevil. And for those who haven't read anything I've done thus far, this will be spoiler heavy. I would suggest right now you go and get this book. Read it. It's a weird jumping on point, since it's the conclusion to an arc, but it provides the backstory to Matt's Character early on, and...well, it's damn fine reading.
![]() |
I love the foreboding of this cover. |
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #3
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #2
Saturday, July 28, 2012
So another Saturday and another no new episode. I apologize for myself and the rest of the cast, but we couldn't record yesterday. Hopefully something will be done today and we shall see. Also, For the Dark Knight Rises review. We need to see how that goes. Sorry no real information on that.
And for those who are wondering about Amazing Reads. Well, I apologize, because I've had a huge pile of school work keeping me busy and...well I haven't gotten around to finishing the reviews.
Edit: Turns out I'm a liar. There will be no episode this week. As far as a Dark Knight Rises review, we may do one. I personally liked the film, apparently the cohosts did not. We shall see.
And for those who are wondering about Amazing Reads. Well, I apologize, because I've had a huge pile of school work keeping me busy and...well I haven't gotten around to finishing the reviews.
Edit: Turns out I'm a liar. There will be no episode this week. As far as a Dark Knight Rises review, we may do one. I personally liked the film, apparently the cohosts did not. We shall see.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Nothing New
Alright, So nothing new this week. Sorry about that. Previous obligations, and such have prevented work on the podcast and the other site features. I hope you all can forgive us, and we'll try and do something special for you next week.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 13
So this week we talk about Marvel Movies.
Also we discuss Batman Earth One. Atomic Robo. Resurrection Man. Spider-Men. Batman and Robin.
Joined by Special guest David.
Also we discuss Batman Earth One. Atomic Robo. Resurrection Man. Spider-Men. Batman and Robin.
Joined by Special guest David.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Spider-Man #1
Alright, so we dive into the second outing of this strange experiment that will ultimately end in my complete and total break down. At least I'm already half way there.
Hello again dear readers, James here for a second edition of Amazing Reads. This time it's Amazing Spider-Man #1. You remember that one don't you, it has stuff, and stuff happens. Okay, so it's not important in the grand scheme of things, it isn't his origin and he doesn't do anything spectacular (I hate myself sometimes) but it is the first of his solo run, and his second appearance.
Yes, caption, your cover already implied that. |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Amazing Reads: Amazing Fantasy #15
First and foremost, Welcome!
James here doing something a little different and hopefully entertaining for our regulars to this site. As our regular listeners may have heard I've decided to pick up Spider-Man titles for the next year. So I figured I'd do something on the side as a way to discuss the books I end up with that I don't talk about on the show, and even go back into the past whenever I feel like it. I have a stack of Amazing Spider-Man Essentials, so that would be a good place to start.
So that will be what this is. A review/recap/comedy routine of old comics, specifically Amazing Spider-Man and his spin-offs.
Our first feature: Amazing Fantasy #15
James here doing something a little different and hopefully entertaining for our regulars to this site. As our regular listeners may have heard I've decided to pick up Spider-Man titles for the next year. So I figured I'd do something on the side as a way to discuss the books I end up with that I don't talk about on the show, and even go back into the past whenever I feel like it. I have a stack of Amazing Spider-Man Essentials, so that would be a good place to start.
So that will be what this is. A review/recap/comedy routine of old comics, specifically Amazing Spider-Man and his spin-offs.
Our first feature: Amazing Fantasy #15
I think I've seen this somewhere before. |
Monday, July 9, 2012
Panel by Panel Special #1
Welcome to our first official Special.
This special we're talking about the Amazing Spider-man. The Movie.
Since this our first time on a specific subject we're working out some things, and hope you enjoy our review.
This special we're talking about the Amazing Spider-man. The Movie.
Since this our first time on a specific subject we're working out some things, and hope you enjoy our review.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 12
Welcome to Episode 12!
We have a bit of a format change up, we shorter, and hopefully have this thing running smoothly. Hopefully.
We discuss shortly the return of Joker in the batbooks, and much longer on Marvel NOW.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Missing Episode
So another week, and we fall out of sync again.
I apologize for lack of an episode, but a multiple complication on all ends has lead to us unable to record. And we apologize.
Other news: Dan will not be joining us next week. So James and Garrett will be doing their best to wrap up 3 weeks of books. I think It's a record.
I apologize for lack of an episode, but a multiple complication on all ends has lead to us unable to record. And we apologize.
Other news: Dan will not be joining us next week. So James and Garrett will be doing their best to wrap up 3 weeks of books. I think It's a record.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 0
Something a little different this week.
We're doing a 0 Episode, talking about us, and our comics. What we enjoy, what we love, and even bits of what we hate.
We're doing a 0 Episode, talking about us, and our comics. What we enjoy, what we love, and even bits of what we hate.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 11
First things first. Sorry this took so long. As you'll notice in this weeks episode that we didn't really care for last weeks comics. Not that they were bad, but most are set ups to new stories, so they felt more like a catch up to speed of characters for new readers.
That's not bad, mind you, just leaves nothing for us to talk about.
Also we talk about the cancellations and new books DC will be bringing out.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
What We're Reading 06/06/2012
A list of what We have grabbed for this week:
Action Comics #10
Earth 2 #2
Batwing #10
Swamp Thing #10
World's Finest #2
Dial H #2
Justice League International #10
Animal Man #10
Avengers Vs X-Men #5
Action Comics #10
Earth 2 #2
Batwing #10
World's Finest #2
Dial H #2
Justice League International #10
Avengers Vs X-Men #5
Detective Comics #10
Avengers Academy #31
Action Comics #10
Earth 2 #2
Batwing #10
Swamp Thing #10
World's Finest #2
Dial H #2
Justice League International #10
Animal Man #10
Avengers Vs X-Men #5
Action Comics #10
Earth 2 #2
Batwing #10
World's Finest #2
Dial H #2
Justice League International #10
Avengers Vs X-Men #5
Detective Comics #10
Avengers Academy #31
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 10: Giant-Sized Special
Welcome one and all to our Giant-Sized Special. Over and Hour and Half of talking about Owls.
Garrett Runs down Batman 1-7.
Then we discuss what little we've gleamed of the talons that appear in these books
We follow the events of the Night that have unfolded thus far. Every bat book from the Month of May (Excluding Batwoman). And Two from the month of April (Batman and Nightwing 8)
We top it off with our usual ramble about Batman Annual #1.
Garrett Runs down Batman 1-7.
Then we discuss what little we've gleamed of the talons that appear in these books
We follow the events of the Night that have unfolded thus far. Every bat book from the Month of May (Excluding Batwoman). And Two from the month of April (Batman and Nightwing 8)
We top it off with our usual ramble about Batman Annual #1.
All-Star Western,
Batman and Robin,
Birds of Prey,
Bruce Wayne,
Court of Owls,
Dark Knight,
Justice League,
Night of the Owls,
red hood,
Tim Drake
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Owls' Special
A note on the our Owls' Special. First it will take a bit to come out, because of it's nature, we wish to spend some time editing it. It will be a long episode, thanks to roughly 14 books we will be talking about.
Also, as far as books that may have come out this week, like Ravengers #1. We will discuss them next week. Sorry for the delay on those.
Also, as far as books that may have come out this week, like Ravengers #1. We will discuss them next week. Sorry for the delay on those.
All-Star Western,
Batman and Robin,
Birds of Prey,
Court of Owls,
Dark Knight,
Detective Comics,
Night of Owls,
red hood,
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Pandora: Batman Inc
We forgot to mention her in Episode 9. But we did find her.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 9
We're back, in a new room. Hopefully with better acoustics.
So this week:
Batman inc.
New Guardians
Teen Titans
Justice League Dark
I, Vampire
Event Fever
We mock the second vs book.
So this week:
Batman inc.
New Guardians
Teen Titans
Justice League Dark
I, Vampire
Event Fever
We mock the second vs book.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 8
Well, this is episode 8.
We honestly suggest you don't listen to it. It's horrible. We approach a subject we have no real insight to, and we handle it poorly. So feel free to move along to our next episode.
P.S. The episode is mostly us discussing DC outing one of their characters, and Marvel's Gay Proposal and Marriage.
We honestly suggest you don't listen to it. It's horrible. We approach a subject we have no real insight to, and we handle it poorly. So feel free to move along to our next episode.
P.S. The episode is mostly us discussing DC outing one of their characters, and Marvel's Gay Proposal and Marriage.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Late Episode
Well, we had a great track record there for a bit, we may have done three or four in a row without missing a week.
And then this happens. We have tried to record this podcast a few times, and each time a new and delightful (sarcasm) problem has arisen.
We are hoping to put out a new episode in the next couple of days, but if we don't, I'll ramble something off.
Best of luck to our
And then this happens. We have tried to record this podcast a few times, and each time a new and delightful (sarcasm) problem has arisen.
We are hoping to put out a new episode in the next couple of days, but if we don't, I'll ramble something off.
Best of luck to our
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Pulls 05/16/2012
Another Week, Another Round
James' Pulls:
Green Lantern Corps #9
Justice League #9
Nightwing #9
Birds of Prey #9
Catwoman #9
Red Hood #9
Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
AvX Vs #2
Daredevil #13
(I'd like to damn night of owls. This could have been a cheap week for me.)
Dan's Pulls:
Green Lantern Corps #9
Justice League #9
Nightwing #9
Birds of Prey #9
Catwoman #9
Red Hood #9
Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
AvX Vs #2
James' Pulls:
Green Lantern Corps #9
Justice League #9
Nightwing #9
Birds of Prey #9
Catwoman #9
Red Hood #9
Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
AvX Vs #2
Daredevil #13
(I'd like to damn night of owls. This could have been a cheap week for me.)
Dan's Pulls:
Green Lantern Corps #9
Justice League #9
Nightwing #9
Birds of Prey #9
Catwoman #9
Red Hood #9
Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
AvX Vs #2
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
DC Families Review: The Dark
A few things to get out of the way. First off, for those who
don’t know, DC has broken their books up into separate families. And over the
course of the next few weeks I, James, plan on doing quick reviews of each
family and their books, how their stories are going, what I hope to see, that
type of things. I am also hoping to get Dan and Garrett to do this as well and
get their opinions on their favorite/least favorite families. So let’s kick
this off with my favorite, THE DARK.
For any regulars out there you may have heard that my picks
of the week aren’t books we talk about on the show, for some, I’m the only one
reading them, others, well, just isn’t brought up for time’s sake. But I am a
huge fan of THE DARK. A quick rundown of
the books: Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Justice League Dark, Demon Knights, I
Vampire, Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., and Demon Knights. (Recent
addiction Dial H, though we won’t cover that for the moment.)
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Panel by Panel Episode 7
Welcome to Episode 7 of Panel by Panel
This week we talk about
Green Lantern: With lecture by Garrett
The Culling (Superboy and Legion Lost)
Suicide Squad and Resurrection Man
Scarlet Spider
Uncanny X-Force
Event Tie-Ins.
This week we talk about
Green Lantern: With lecture by Garrett
The Culling (Superboy and Legion Lost)
Suicide Squad and Resurrection Man
Scarlet Spider
Uncanny X-Force
Event Tie-Ins.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Pull List: May 9 2012
So I haven't done this in a few weeks, partly because I've had a whole bunch of things on my mind, and partly because our newest host gets comics at a different time than I and Dan do, and I felt odd not getting him involved.
This week, I've decided to screw that. You may also note this is up early. I know what I'm getting, I know what Dan is getting. And I will make shit up for Garrett. If anything really cool comes out, I'll make an addendum.
The red highlight is what we got that was not apart of this original list. I apologize to Demon Knights. Not to the tie ins.
This week, I've decided to screw that. You may also note this is up early. I know what I'm getting, I know what Dan is getting. And I will make shit up for Garrett. If anything really cool comes out, I'll make an addendum.
The red highlight is what we got that was not apart of this original list. I apologize to Demon Knights. Not to the tie ins.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Free Comic Book Day
Free Comic Book Day: One Day Late
If you are curious...I'm just bored today. So this is the last one, I promise. Just...a visual difference in the two big comic book companies and what they are trying to get us to buy their books.
I feel the art speaks for itself. Two companies trying to sell you their product by giving free samples. Me thinks one of these books needs to get better art, to convince me to buy more of their product.
![]() |
Marvel |
![]() | |||||||||||||||
DC |
I feel the art speaks for itself. Two companies trying to sell you their product by giving free samples. Me thinks one of these books needs to get better art, to convince me to buy more of their product.
Pandora! I found her.
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